Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Iris Recognition: Advantages

Currently used by the border agency in the United Kingdom, Iris recognition immigration system (IRIS)is a powerful and secure mean for tightly controlling the entries of passengers into the country(1). This technology takes advantages of the unique features of the iris displayed by distinct individuals to allow the rapid and accurate recognition and identification of each registered individual (1).
Several countries are making use of this technology in the banking sector due to its ability to resist fraud and stolen identity (2). By replacing password that are often forgotten or stolen, Iris Recognition requires that the person be present at the moment of transaction and thus, ensures that the operation is authentically performed by the authorized individual only (2).
Health care area can also benefit from Iris recognition system by allowing fast and easy access to patient’s confidential information (picture of patient’s eye), avoiding sources of error from staff members (taking the wrong file) (3). This technology will at the same time restrict the access to certain area in the health care facility and to certain patients’ rooms (3). A record of health care workers’ activity may also be recorded to provide information as to who has accessed the confidential information (3). This rapid and easy to use technology replacing paper works and personal identification number in various industries will lower the amount of error due to human source and at the same time, solve the issues surrounding fraud, privacy and most importantly, provide a superior level of protection and security.


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